

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is a sacramental outpouring of the Holy Spirit that leaves a permanent mark on the soul as it seals the gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism. It completes Christian initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) and empowers us to be Christ to the world (see CCC 1302-1305). 

The Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown chooses 8th grade as the appropriate time for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. All parish eighth graders are invited annually to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  At St. Paul Parish we annually request Confirmation for November - sometimes that is not possible - we will keep you posted on the exact date by the beginning of the school year.  If you have any questions, please contact Dustine May at the Church office.


The Confirmation Journey

Contrary to popular misconceptions, Confirmation is NOT “Catholic graduation” nor is it a time for a teen to decide if he/she should “stay” Catholic. Confirmation, along with Baptism and Holy Eucharist, constitute the Sacraments of Initiation, and is necessary to increase sanctifying grace in one’s life, to strengthen one’s Faith, and to fully receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

After confirmation, the adult Catholic Christian endeavors to live the Christian life by continuing to study the Faith, discern their vocation, and serve the Body of Christ. See CCC 1285-1231.

Contact Dustine May at the Parish Office for more information about Confirmation Preparation this summer to prepare for a FALL Confirmation date! or 330-499-2201

Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Paul Parish 2024/25 School Year:  November 16, 2024 10:30 AM or 2:00 PM



Our Confirmation Retreat is booked at Damascus Catholic Camp, Centerburg, OH, for October 25-27, 2024. Parents will receive a link to the camp (specific for our parish) to register their students.

Confirmation Camp is partially sponsored by St. Paul's Knights of Columbus!

Thank you to our Knights for their continued support of faith formation within families and youth!

RCIA--FOR ADULTS SEEKING BAPTISM AND/OR FULL COMMUNION WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: If you are unbaptized, or if you were baptized in another Christian tradition but considering becoming Catholic, you can contact Michele Blate at the parish office about any questions you may have on the process of exploring these steps in your faith life! Check out the RCIA page on our website for more information. 

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